Oct 30, 2012

Windows 8 Keyboard-Shortcuts

Some useful Windows Shortcuts

     + Tab
       Apps Panel
      + C    Charms Menu
  • Win + D
    + E     Explorer
  • Win + X    Menu?
  • Alt
    + F4
    (Desktop)    Shutdown Menu
  • Alt + F4 (App)           closes active App
Start Screen:

Space: select active item

Oct 20, 2012

Enabling and initiating Hibernate

Sometimes it's usefull to hibernate, to preserve a windows-session.

But what do you do if hibernate isn't enabled yet?

First of all, if hibernate isn't turned on yet, you need to have sufficient space on your systemdrive (mostly C:). You need at least the same amount of space as the size of your RAM. A file called hiberfil.sys will be created there.

  1. open up a console (Run/cmd.exe)
  2. :> powercfg -h on OR powercfg -hibernate on
  3. leave the console window open, as we will need it again
Now that you activated hibernate, there is still no option for it under shut down. In that case just execute the following command:

  1. %windir%\System32\rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState

Oct 17, 2012

Windows Update won't check for updates due to a not running service

Trying to update a nearly one year old backup installation (Win7 pro x64) on the seccond hard drive, I've just run into the following error message:

Windows Update cannot currently check for updates, because the service is not running. You may need to restart your computer.

Windows Update cannot currently check for updates, because the service is not running. You may need to restart your computer.

First of all I've checked the status of the Windows Update Service, it was running. Then I've restarted the computer. The Update still didn't work and the same message reappeared.

The solution was simple though:
  1. On the left hand in the Windows Update Control Panel click "Change settings"
  2. Under "Important updates:" change the installation type from "Install updates automatically (recommended)" to  "Never check for updates (not recommended)"
  3. Save the changes by clicking Ok
  4. Then again click "Change settings"
  5. Now revert the selection to what it was before (automatically)
  6. Again click Ok

There is a seccond approach to it, which also worked on another occasion:
  1. Open a console window (run cmd.exe as Administrator)
  2. net stop wuauserv
  3. Go to %systemroot%\SoftwareDistribution (usually under C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution)
  4. rename the subfolder downloads to something else
  5. net start wuauserv

This one is also described here: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/958046/en-us